

Text duration start ents sentiment
okay welcome everybody to wall street reporters  next super stock live stream december 8th 2021   8.24 Jump to 20.64
    DATE 2021
upside potential so these are companies going  after multi-billion dollar market opportunities   4.8 Jump to 63.36
increase in shareholder value we've had already  nine stocks that have increased between a thousand   6.72 Jump to 73.76
    CARDINAL nine
percent and five thousand percent in the past  18 months and you know we need number 10 now   6.64 Jump to 80.48
    PERCENT five thousand percent
    DATE the past  18 months
    CARDINAL number 10
so we're going to find out if liquid avatar could  be our our 10th 10 bag or plus so um you know   7.04 Jump to 87.12
if liquid avatar is going to be our next 10  bagger stock so uh david uh with that said   7.84 Jump to 107.92
been getting a lot of attention from investors in  the last probably i don't know 30 45 days you know   7.36 Jump to 121.76
    DATE 30 45 days
be one of the big investment themes coming into  the next 12 months everybody's talking about it's   5.28 Jump to 134.56
    DATE the next 12 months
you know really one of the few really legitimately  pure play metaverse companies uh between the stuff   6.08 Jump to 145.84
look at it from three distinct vantage points one  is that if everyone's going to exist in a virtual   6.24 Jump to 190.96
    CARDINAL three
    QUANTITY one 
we're in the internet uh or on or in metaverse  no one knows who we are so we start at the core   5.44 Jump to 214.0
you know multiple metaverses and and so that'll  be a new term for 2022 will be the multiverse and   6.72 Jump to 233.52
    DATE 2022
doesn't matter i need an avatar so  that's the second phase of what we do   3.52 Jump to 262.72
    ORDINAL second
web 3.0 the interactive culmination of everything  we've learned starting from sort of a first person   6.08 Jump to 271.68
    CARDINAL 3.0
    ORDINAL first
and then one of the big disruptors in the catalog  business in the british gala business was actually   4.88 Jump to 300.56
come from the graphics industry so it was one  of those things that you know so so victoria's   3.92 Jump to 323.84
i don't know a passport i mean what is it you're  basically well that it's one of our investors once   4.0 Jump to 423.92
without ever passing your personal identifiable  information now four years ago when we introduced   5.68 Jump to 440.88
    DATE four years ago
has to grow as well i mean 5g has to be absolutely  prevalent but at the end of the day we're going to   5.52 Jump to 502.72
    DATE the end of the day
well it's massive because you have you know seven  billion people on the planet you know in theory   4.16 Jump to 616.96
    QUANTITY seven  billion
actually starts being used because i remember  when i first heard like the internet you know like   5.36 Jump to 650.56
    ORDINAL first
the cds every month right the aol cities see these  the whole thing was just like two but then when   5.44 Jump to 670.0
    CARDINAL two
i actually saw the whole thing oh and there's  also streaming because we were the first guys   4.32 Jump to 675.44
    ORDINAL first
would have gone to his investors day one and said  hey tell you what we're going to be in the last   4.56 Jump to 717.92
    DATE day one
and i want to say 2011 with steven spielberg  and i did this digital um event i went to the   7.2 Jump to 761.76
    DATE 2011
the university of toronto said to me no one's ever  gonna do remote learning no one's ever gonna learn 5.52 Jump to 777.84
so online have to have the vision and and the fact  is this vision for us hasn't changed in four years   5.2 Jump to 785.68
    DATE four years
i know it took me three years but i get it and  and frankly you know i want to be at the front   5.76 Jump to 797.28
    DATE three years
revenue sources which which i really want  to dive into one of them is this digital   4.56 Jump to 828.56
    CARDINAL one
the the the opportunity is three million ontarians  go through convenience stores every week and the   6.08 Jump to 848.48
    QUANTITY three million ontarians 
    DATE every week
ontario convenience store association has about a  90 just under a 97 percent um uh accuracy rate and   6.72 Jump to 854.56
    PERCENT 97 percent
verifying identity but when you start looking  at the number of people they want to reach 100   4.4 Jump to 861.28
    CARDINAL 100
stores and to do that they have to have a way to  be a hundred percent accurate in age verification   6.32 Jump to 884.16
with the ocsa the ontario convenience story  association their 8 500 stores but i have to   4.72 Jump to 903.76
    CARDINAL 8 500
emerging technologies and digital identity and  liquid avatar was named as one of the companies   5.36 Jump to 1030.4
go one by one like because i think you're in  i i've lost track how many different bit rates 5.68 Jump to 1072.64
for the metaverse and game environments what do  you call it like cool well they start at at 500.   7.12 Jump to 1118.72
    CARDINAL 500
that's expensive and they and they go to  five thousand dollars because because well   5.76 Jump to 1127.28
    MONEY five thousand dollars
if you bought a board eight four apes or ten  thousand dollars just a flat image as an energy   5.04 Jump to 1133.04
    QUANTITY ten  thousand dollars
but but the the what we designed was a two-fold  avatar so think of clark canton superman okay   7.28 Jump to 1138.08
    QUANTITY two-fold
avatars let's say the base one for 500 bucks uh is  this automated like in order are you able to scale   5.68 Jump to 1175.52
    MONEY 500 bucks
us like in other words do you have like is it like  one a couple of artists making these things one   6.16 Jump to 1181.2
    CARDINAL one
by one or you have some process where you can  you can scale and do a thousand of these a day   4.96 Jump to 1187.36
    CARDINAL one
    CARDINAL a thousand
well first of all first of all the first  series is only limited to 25 000 on to start   5.36 Jump to 1193.12
    ORDINAL first
    ORDINAL first
    ORDINAL first
um second thing is you can't automate  the process until you go through   4.16 Jump to 1198.48
    ORDINAL second
one or two or three at a time okay how big now  how so with these digital these avatars right like   6.0 Jump to 1213.84
    CARDINAL one
    CARDINAL two or three
yeah they're algorithmic they're or programmatic  yeah i i don't know cars are custom from day one   5.6 Jump to 1237.92
    DATE day one
but that leads us into digital ant and and the  metaverse and aftermath look okay if one is in   6.32 Jump to 1279.68
multi-million dollar sales right in in individuals  so what we did is is is we had a client at oasis   7.36 Jump to 1305.44
you know i'm a gamer from day one and  obviously a comic book collector but   2.88 Jump to 1319.2
    DATE day one
but so what we thought of was three different  types of lands one was thematic so a land that   5.6 Jump to 1322.64
    CARDINAL three
islands just like sims or second life where you  could have a safe environment where you could   4.56 Jump to 1339.6
    ORDINAL second
deploy on that island so you have three  different types of islands and then we have   3.76 Jump to 1356.8
    CARDINAL three
multiple iterations of those islands and we've  released right now 40 islands 40 islands and eight   6.4 Jump to 1360.56
    CARDINAL eight
of them are already these 40 yes and eight of them  are already sold out sold out two of them are near   6.32 Jump to 1366.96
    CARDINAL eight
    CARDINAL two
there's maybe four or five six million people in  crypto market we employed with our partners that   4.88 Jump to 1388.16
    DATE four or five six million
you can buy a plot of land and stake your claim in  a plot of land which is a virtual thousand square   6.08 Jump to 1405.76
meters for as low as 35 dollars but people are  paying up to 46 almost 4 700 for plots of land and   8.24 Jump to 1411.84
    PERCENT as low as 35 dollars
    CARDINAL 700
just people we are seeing we're seeing five-digit  sales five-figure sales every day every day   7.76 Jump to 1428.56
    CARDINAL five
    CARDINAL five
    DATE every day
five figure five figure sales means how much five  figures is a day more than 10 grand basically   6.56 Jump to 1451.92
    CARDINAL five
    CARDINAL five
    QUANTITY five 
    DATE a day
    CARDINAL more than 10
it's five figures five low fives mid fives and  high fives every day it's now it's trended it   8.56 Jump to 1458.48
    CARDINAL five
    CARDINAL five
started off very erratic but now the trend and  again this has only been about 40 days so please   5.84 Jump to 1467.04
    DATE about 40 days
wouldn't they you know do this absolutely that's  why 500 might sound like a lot but you're getting   4.48 Jump to 1561.84
    CARDINAL 500
we've we've released phase one and phase two  and phase two is more expensive than phase one   3.76 Jump to 1608.08
    QUANTITY two 
    CARDINAL two
    CARDINAL one
and that's our model phase three i and we're not  in the business of in i have to be very clear   4.24 Jump to 1612.48
    CARDINAL three
they go to a 400 million a year business it  was massive and you know what 100 million a   4.72 Jump to 1654.8
    CARDINAL 400 million
    CARDINAL 100 million
in in a phase with the phases is 20 islands  there's just under 10 000 power cells available   6.72 Jump to 1679.84
    CARDINAL just under 10
if we want to have a million people  we have to have a lot of islands   2.4 Jump to 1686.56
    CARDINAL a million
so each so phase one i believe was  about 1.4 million in potential revenue   5.44 Jump to 1695.2
    CARDINAL about 1.4 million
phase two is 1.7 million in potential revenue so  about 3.1 potential revenue to date and like i   7.36 Jump to 1700.64
    CARDINAL two
    CARDINAL 1.7 million
    CARDINAL about 3.1
effect because one feeds the other can you do  okay but i mean when you do more islands can you   4.88 Jump to 1715.36
can you sell 100 million worth of land we believe  we believe that is a potential opportunity yeah   5.76 Jump to 1720.8
    CARDINAL 100 million
i mean in theory you could sell you know i  don't know a billion dollars what about resale   3.6 Jump to 1726.56
    MONEY a billion dollars
opportunities and we're doing this all we're doing  our test videos now in unreal engine 5 so for the   6.48 Jump to 1750.56
opportunity for one euro if we did what we said  we're going to do we now own 50 going forward of   6.88 Jump to 1796.56
all of aftermath islands we own that they granted  us a hundred and fifty islands for ourselves so   7.44 Jump to 1803.44
    CARDINAL a hundred and fifty
whatever they okay you get uh a thousand  acres because i don't know what i think   3.84 Jump to 1842.8
    QUANTITY a thousand  acres
what's there is a real estate term for this one  the king grants it to you it's called a uh uh i   5.36 Jump to 1846.64
imagine what was this tom hanks trump's tongue tom  cruise movie far and away or one of those movies   5.68 Jump to 1877.04
    CARDINAL one
very very simply you can buy a 35 45 55 dollar  plot of land or you can buy a massive plot of land   6.8 Jump to 1894.64
    MONEY 35 45 55 dollar
we have we i have one investor in in our company  who sent me a note saying i own 192 plots of land   7.36 Jump to 1901.44
    CARDINAL 192
i went oh my gosh that's killer they owe more  land than i do because we had to buy no one in   4.4 Jump to 1908.8
i believe again subject to due diligence i  believe we're the only one that's generating   4.8 Jump to 2043.76
land and again we're doing it based on again one  of our things with aftermath when we started the   5.04 Jump to 2048.56
    QUANTITY one 
showing up on the quarterlies when will we see  that well we just finished our third quarter   4.08 Jump to 2078.72
    DATE our third quarter
like you know by first quarter because we have to  do a year in but um and there are different and i   4.8 Jump to 2090.16
    DATE first quarter
okay but okay so in other words i i think one of  the key milestones is going to be whether it's i   5.84 Jump to 2111.04
and disclose that hey we sold a million bucks  worth of digital land now that is going to be   6.08 Jump to 2122.0
    MONEY a million bucks
and under armour and all those projects so we've  taken all of this learning now over almost 40   4.56 Jump to 2155.04
    CARDINAL almost 40
a cultural phenomenon they get a hundred thousand  people attending people are very passionate about   4.8 Jump to 2228.0
    QUANTITY a hundred thousand 
big booth yeah i think a thousand fifteen hundred  square feet with a with a 16 foot tower and a 24   6.48 Jump to 2241.6
    QUANTITY 16 foot
i don't know 20 20 or 30 rows of vendors across  the hall i mean it was a massive massive south   7.52 Jump to 2256.24
    CARDINAL 20 20 or 30
with our booth we had brands coming up to us we  had a continuous loop on a 10-foot video screen   6.0 Jump to 2279.52
    QUANTITY 10-foot
be near the the mark of 2019 which was 123 000.  i don't think they quite got there but i think   6.88 Jump to 2320.96
    DATE 2019
    CARDINAL 123
um it's got to be i i my estimate is somewhere  between 85 and 100 000 people probably okay that's   7.36 Jump to 2328.4
    CARDINAL between 85 and 100 000
so at the end of the day i believe we hit  that objective the second objective was   4.0 Jump to 2398.4
    DATE the end of the day
    ORDINAL second
um and so that's one of the big things we're we're  now looking at some new art projects we're also   5.28 Jump to 2482.16
also are we still on track for aftermath  islands to go live in june 2012 so so   6.96 Jump to 2553.04
    DATE june 2012
coming out where we're going to see in likely q1  of 2022 a significant number of downloads um for   7.92 Jump to 2583.68
    DATE 2022
a credit card we have a debit card we have never  an eight right so we've never talked about that 4.8 Jump to 2653.2
that 2022 sees the launch of the debit card  in canada and we're already focused on the us   4.96 Jump to 2681.76
    DATE 2022
will be superhero and superpowers for games we've  made a very distinct bot it will be one avatar in   6.08 Jump to 2729.52
    CARDINAL one
it's like normal like again you know our job first  and foremost is to focus on the development of a   6.72 Jump to 2765.44
    ORDINAL first
give and give an estimate i think about 5 million  warrants for exercise in the last 30 or 40 days   5.92 Jump to 2914.16
    MONEY about 5 million 
    DATE the last 30 or 40 days
again i'm going to take a guess somewhere  in the neighborhood of 60 million   2.8 Jump to 2930.72
    CARDINAL 60 million
because that's over a long period 6-0 6-0 okay  okay yeah we're somewhere around 200 million   6.64 Jump to 2934.8
    CARDINAL around 200 million
shares okay okay so right now 200 million but  we're i think outstanding we're around 140. so   6.08 Jump to 2941.44
    CARDINAL 200 million
    CARDINAL 140
35 million dollar market cap fully diluted uh uh  which is you know cheap price to play to pay for   7.2 Jump to 2961.6
    MONEY 35 million dollar
20 30 40 50 100 times i mean it's it's all  over the road map all we're doing right now is   6.16 Jump to 2995.68
    CARDINAL 20 30 40 50 100
needs to do their own due diligence but again  as jack said we're one of the few companies   3.92 Jump to 3060.48
    PERSON jack
if not one of the only companies that is doing  metaverse land sales as a public company we're one   5.04 Jump to 3064.4
    CARDINAL one
some guy vegas it's like one of these social media  type of characters i think he's a uh i think he   5.04 Jump to 3113.2
so we're we're almost in the new year we're we're  you know last days of 20 21 we're going to the 22   7.44 Jump to 3222.24
    DATE the new year
    CARDINAL 20 21
already playing that space so we're we're looking  to accelerate that business in 2022 we're already   6.48 Jump to 3243.6
    DATE 2022
there and there's something else that we're  we're very and someone asked us that question one   4.48 Jump to 3250.08
    CARDINAL one
secured digital identity to do encrypted messaging  and we're looking at that very carefully in 2022.   6.0 Jump to 3272.48
    DATE 2022
it's called vidcon okay we're you know wolff's  reporter we'll be back to you with that one   5.52 Jump to 3278.48
    CARDINAL one
for messaging payment and everything all wrapped  into one based on your digital identity and   5.68 Jump to 3296.24
next 30 days anything you want to uh well we're  coming into holiday season so it'll slow down a   5.04 Jump to 3311.84
    DATE next 30 days
    DATE holiday season
i mean we're only at the eighth it feels like  you know each day is a month but we're only at   4.4 Jump to 3361.28
    ORDINAL eighth
the eighth and we'll have uh we hope to have a  lot of news for a lot of exciting things coming   4.16 Jump to 3365.68
    ORDINAL eighth
because that's one of our things now that might be  on the horizon jack i won't i won't discount that   4.08 Jump to 3392.88
we're already designing really cool things for  different islands for 2022 and and we want to   6.16 Jump to 3409.12
    DATE 2022
one of the most exciting areas of the market  now the metaverse thank you jack look forward   4.08 Jump to 3456.0
    CARDINAL one
holidays thank you everyone take care thank you  thank you everybody for watching see you next one 5.76 Jump to 3464.88