

Text duration start ents sentiment
the estimates are that it'll be a 50 4.48 Jump to 15.44
billion dollar company intel paid 15 5.12 Jump to 16.96
billion dollars for it five years ago so 4.64 Jump to 19.92
    DATE five years ago
trading at 12 times earnings and we 3.121 Jump to 29.039
one part of it this shows us that yeah 3.681 Jump to 34.239
    CARDINAL one
is that really one 3.52 Jump to 59.359
they were generating 18 billion dollars 5.12 Jump to 72.4
    MONEY 18 billion dollars
to six dollars and fifty cents a share 3.44 Jump to 91.84
    MONEY six dollars
    MONEY fifty cents
they do that and you give them just a 15 4.64 Jump to 95.28
viewers you think they can get to 650 5.68 Jump to 111.6
    CARDINAL 650
they're at about five dollars okay some 4.0 Jump to 117.28
    MONEY about five dollars
people can say five some yeah after 3.6 Jump to 118.96
    CARDINAL five
to about four dollars so that's not a 4.4 Jump to 124.719
    MONEY about four dollars
are coming from four to five 4.481 Jump to 130.959
    CARDINAL four to five
from four to five bucks up to 650 i mean 5.44 Jump to 133.36
    MONEY four to five bucks
    CARDINAL 650
it is but assuming they're at five now 3.84 Jump to 138.8
    CARDINAL five
let's say it goes from five to six fifty 3.04 Jump to 141.04
    CARDINAL five to six
10 billion rather they're going to 3.44 Jump to 144.08
    CARDINAL 10 billion
generate 10 billion dollars of free cash 3.92 Jump to 145.92
    MONEY 10 billion dollars
flow next year they're spending 20 3.92 Jump to 147.52
    DATE next year
billion dollars to build this boundary 3.52 Jump to 149.84
should mint cash too so you take the 650 4.32 Jump to 153.36
    CARDINAL 650
give it a 15 times multiple that's over 4.64 Jump to 155.84
a 90 share price but there's a lot of 4.48 Jump to 157.68
several quarters they beat by 54 last 4.959 Jump to 201.84
    DATE several quarters
quarter 20 the previous two quarters 38 4.319 Jump to 204.0
    DATE the previous two quarters
but because they then guided for 22 4.0 Jump to 211.68